Ability to filter SOLDS
Cleo faye Genetializa
Customer wants to filter the solds where they can can represented as a buyer.
Customer's email: brady.moore@sothebysrealty.com
Fritz Zerrudo
john@jjneighborhood.com would like to have this feature to for his sold listings, to be able to sort by office sold listings.
Cris Navarro
michele@sqmove.com would also like to see this feature implemented soon.
Louigee Regino
sbrown@terrasearchllc.com - also requesting for this feature where a buyer can filter solds for each city/zip code
Robin Gonzales
chrisl@molisserealty.net - customer wants to have a separate sold listing page for each agent profile
Meivelyn Caliboso
eva@evahoopes.com this customer needs to filter solds so it will only show her sold listings
Gian Mojares
anna@palmettorealty.info this customer needs to filters solds located in a subdivision
Mateusz Wcislo
Support for "Buyer" field is already planned.